/Beach Birthday Bash of Nicole and Wes helps “Beautifully Reckless”

Beach Birthday Bash of Nicole and Wes helps “Beautifully Reckless”

I wanted to let everyone know with the help of D-10 and all of you attending this event, we raised over $1000!!!! That’s huge! Wes was nice enough to get on board and allow me to donate this money to “Beautifully Reckless” which is a charity in the name of my best friend, Tracy Heidenfelder to help keep her memory alive and to help other cancer patients in need. I went to school with Tracy since 1993 and she was diagnosed with cancer after we graduated college. She fought hard and remained positive despite everything she was going through. If you met her, you never would have known. Unfortunately, we lost her to cancer in May of 2012. The fact that we can donate this money to the organization her family started means so so much to me! They provide scholarships for students, wigs to cancer patients going through chemo, as well as gift gift to help ease the cost of cancer treatments and much more! We really appreciate everyone coming out and partaking in our bdays for a cause! And of course, many thanks to our gracious hosts, The D-10 Society, Ray Rose, Robert Muto, Dee Newson, you guys are the best!” Love, Nicole


2019-06-03T23:23:41+00:00June 3rd, 2019|Uncategorized|62 Comments